Snakes of Boca Raton, FL

Boca Raton snake

Welcome to! I am David, a snake enthusiast living in Boca Raton, FL. Many people don't know that Boca Raton is in fact full of snakes! You just need to know where to find them - they can often be shy and elusive. Some Florida snake species are more common outside of the city limits, in different parts of Palm Beach County FL, but many types of snakes are indeed common in the more urban parts of Boca Raton. This guide is meant to help educate you about the beautiful snakes of Boca Raton, and to help you identify the most common snakes of Boca Raton, as well as the venomous snakes of Boca Raton that you should learn to recognize and avoid. If you want more detail, click here for my complete list of ALL snake species in Boca Raton. Remember the following:

  • Most snakes of Boca Raton are harmless and don't want to encounter you
  • Venomous snakes exist but are uncommon in Boca Raton, Florida
  • Snakes eat rats and mice and are a valuable part of the Florida ecosystem
  • Never kill a snake - if you leave a snake alone, it will leave you alone.

Common Snake Species in Boca Raton

Boca Raton snake Common kingsnake: This snake is found all over Florida. It has a brown to black body with light yellow to cream-colored crossbands. The scales on its body has brown specks. Adults measure 36 to 48 inches in length. The young resemble the adults in pattern and color.The common kingsnake can be found in pinewood forests, water bodies such as canals, marshes, and ponds. They can also take up residence in abandoned buildings and barns of houses. Their diet consists mainly of lizards, frogs, smaller snakes, birds and bird eggs, etc. Common kingsnakes do not pose a threat to humans. They are non-venomous and they try to avoid contact with humans. They can however bite if threatened.

Boca Raton snake Black racer: The black racer, also known as the Coluber constrictor or eastern racer, is a constrictor commonly found in Boca Raton. It is a relatively large snake with adults reaching up to 60 inches in length. It is a slender snake with black skin and large eyes. Oftentimes there may be a whitish coloration under its chin. It is mostly diurnal, roaming about during the day. They have great vision and do move very fast. Black racers can live in pretty much any habitat and thrive well in suburban environments. In Florida, a black racer is one of the most common snakes you can run into. They can be found on forest edges, abandoned buildings, wetlands, and so on. The black racer diet consists mainly of rodents, lizards, and frogs. They are non-venomous, killing their prey by constricting it. They also pose no threat to human lives. They can however deliver a painful bite when threatened.

Boca Raton snake Yellow Rat Snake: Yellow rat snakes are also constrictors that subdue their prey by constricting it. They are large snakes and adults can reach up to 10 feet in length. They vary in color depending on the subspecies. They can be orange or yellow and some adults can retain the blotches present from juveniles. It is a slender snake with its head slightly bigger than its body. Despite its size, the yellow rat snake makes a good pet. They are usually found around marshes, pine forests, and suburban areas. They eat rodents, small birds, and other small animals. They also sneak into chicken coops and eat chicken eggs. Although not venomous, yellow rat snakes can bite if threatened. The bite does not usually require medical attention though.

Venomous Snake Species in Boca Raton

Boca Raton snake Cottonmouth: This snake, also known as the water moccasin, is an aquatic snake living most of its life in and around the water. It is black and has a thick body. Adult cottonmouths can grow anywhere from 20 to 48 inches, although a size of 74.5 inches has been recorded. Cottonmouths are members of the pit viper family and although they do not contain rattles like rattlesnakes, they are extremely venomous and a bite can result in severe pain, swelling, and ultimately death if left untreated. When threatened, the snake will coil up loosely and open its mouth to reveal a whitish lining resembling cotton inside its mouth, hence the name cottonmouth. Cottonmouths are commonly found along river banks, marshes, swamps, lakes, etc. Their diet consists mostly of fish, lizards, small mammals, frogs, and other smaller snakes.

Boca Raton snake Pygmy rattlesnake: The pygmy rattlesnake, also known as the ground rattler, is a small, slender snake that is 1 foot long or less. Adults are typically 12 to 24 inches in length. The snake has a thick body which is usually grey. Its back and sides have irregularly shaped dark blotches which may be separated by a reddish-brown colored stripe. Its tail has a tiny rattle that is not so visible. The pygmy rattlesnake is abundant all over Florida and can be found around marshes, dry forests, sand woods, bush piles, and sandhills. It is also commonly found in urbanized areas. Its diet consists mainly of frogs, lizards, insects, mice, and birds. Like all pit vipers, the pygmy rattlesnake is venomous and a bite from it, though not fatal, can cause permanent tissue damage. It is very aggressive and will bite if disturbed. It has one of the most painful bites of the pit viper family.

If you're unsure, you can email me a photo of the snake at and I will email you back with the snake's species. If you found a snake skin, read my Found a Skin? page, and you can email me a photo of the skin, and I'll identify the snake for you. If you need professional Boca Raton snake removal help, click my Get Help page, or see the below website sponsor I found, who provides that service.

Remember, the term is not poisonous snakes of Boca Raton, it's venomous snakes of Boca Raton. Poison is generally something you eat, and venom is injected into you. That said, dangerous snakes are very rare in Boca Raton. The few venomous snakes of Palm Beach County are rarely seen. But they are commonly misidentified, so learn about all the snake species of Boca Raton in order to correctly identify them. These snakes are usually also found in the surrounding towns of West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, Boynton Beach, Lake Worth, Palm Springs, Wellington, Royal Palm Beach, North Palm Beach, Riviera Beach, Belle Glade, Juno Beach, Lantana, Greenacres, Tequesta, Palm Beach Shores, South Palm Beach, Loxahatchee Groves, Lake Park, Pahokee, Manalapan, Hypoluxo, Highland Beach, Atlantis, Ocean Ridge, Haverhill, The Acreage, Mangonia Park, Jupiter Inlet Colony, Lake Clarke Shores, Gulf, and the surrounding areas.

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